Here is the list of technologies involved:
OpenJDK or JRE Temurin 21 since 5.9.0, Java 17 with 5.7.0 and 5.8.0
Postgresql 17 (with plpgsql support)
MySQL 8.0.21 with old_password function for user login (for provided driver)
Running under Windows ("scheduled tasks" is used)
Benetl 5.9.0 works on Linux (a version for Linux is available in download section)
All you need to start Benetl is :
A OpenJDK or JRE Temurin 21 since 5.9.0, Java 17 with 5.7.0 and 5.8.0
A Postgresql database 17 with plpgsql support
A MySQL database 8.0.21 with MySQL driver (not provided)
Tested on 64 bit systems